Dungeon Siege 2 updates......where are they???
(too old to reply)
2006-01-19 20:39:03 UTC
I have a problem that most of anybody whom reas about it will laugh. I am a
recent player of DS. I also have DS:LoA. The version is 1.5. I can find
all kinds of sights that will update me to version 2.1 from version 2 but
none to get me that far in the first place. where can i find them?
2006-01-19 21:02:20 UTC
not sure?? Have u searched google??
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2006-02-01 17:56:48 UTC
I think you are a little confused about Dungeon Siege 2. It is a new AND
SEPARATE product. You have to buy DSII even if you have DS and LoA. The
Version 2.1 you are seeing is for DSII.

Post by Tiamatt
I have a problem that most of anybody whom reas about it will laugh. I am a
recent player of DS. I also have DS:LoA. The version is 1.5. I can find
all kinds of sights that will update me to version 2.1 from version 2 but
none to get me that far in the first place. where can i find them?